Pangea Statement on the Results of the US Election
On November 8th 2016, a new President and Congress were elected in the USA. As the new Administration defines its priorities in the global and domestic HIV response, we consider it crucial to reaffirm the fundamental principles of an effective response to HIV, for which overwhelming evidence has been generated over the last 35 years of this epidemic:
- delivering evidence-driven strategies; that provide access to treatment for all people living with HIV, HIV testing and comprehensive prevention strategies that include PrEP and condom availability, and harm reduction strategies for people who inject drugs that include needle exchange and opiate substitution therapy
- engaging and respecting the rights and dignity of all populations affected by HIV; particularly girls and young women, people of color, men who have sex with men, trans men and women, people who inject drugs, sex workers and incarcerated populations.
We strongly urge the Administration and Congress to continue, and indeed deepen, the the investment of the US in HIV, rooted in these principles. These principles will drive Pangaea's work with the US Government over the next four years. We will intensify our commitment to mobilize new partners from the corporate and philanthropic sectors - so that evidence and rights- based approaches to HIV are supported and implemented as broadly as possible. And we will come together with reproductive and sexual health, human rights, immigration and climate change advocates to forge alliances and maximize our collective impact.
We may be entering a new political era, but the challenges presented by HIV are as great today as they were in 2001 when the US came together to launch PEPFAR.